This post came from my second Kickstarter Campaign — and I’m giving it a permanent home here — enjoy!
So, it's been another busy couple of weeks! That publishing conference that I'd mentioned last time just so happened to be having the in-person portion of their national conference in Orlando. While I hadn't initially intended on going to both parts — I couldn't pass up the opportunity to meet everyone in person, have more conversations and even experience attending a book award ceremony for the first time with Kyle. I had so many fantastic conversations — I hope to share some more details soon.
Then, last Friday, I went to our daughter Brooke's class and shared about Lulu — this was a fifth grade class, so having them "chomp" along to a read aloud was obviously not going to happen! We did talk art and settings and I had the great joy of talking with each kiddo about their current creature design/illustration project. Brooke wanted to have everyone do storytelling videos at the end, so we did that too — they made popsicle stick puppets of their illustrations, a backdrop and we rolled camera.
Then this week, I had the amazing privilege of sharing Lulu with 31 Kindergarten through Second grade classes at two different schools! The kiddos were fantastic. Hilarious. Creative. Fun! There were a few super memorable moments — like one kiddo who excitedly answered the beaver trivia question of "who is the largest rodent?" with "tree!" Wrong zip code. But awesome! And when we talked about things they've dreamed of doing and any gloomy thoughts that might have gone along with it — a second grader shared about not being able to read at the beginning of the year, feeling badly about it (but keeping after at it) and now being able to read! The teacher in the back and I both literally threw our hands in the air and cheered! What a huge deal.
Tomorrow through Sunday, I'm off to an illustration/writing conference for kids' books (also here in Orlando) — and I'm throwing my hat in the ring for a juried illustration showcase they're hosting (and trying not to be nervous)! It's actually really special that I get to have this creative weekend after a couple of business-y ones. I know I'm going to learn and grow so much and am so thankful.
Oh, and last thing — next week I'm visiting two more schools with 31 classes total again — I think even with the sloppiest napkin math this means I have the unbelievable joy of sharing Lulu's story with over a thousand kids these couple of weeks. Wow. It feels surreal. I hope you feel the joy of this right along with me — because this ball wouldn't have gotten rolling without your help! Thank you, thank you again and again for all of your support and encouragement.